Structuring a git workshop: Idea

This is how I would like to structure a git workshop if I had to prepare one.

The structure of the workshop is thought to be split on three different sessions, separated by at least one day, although possibly it's better to leave a week between them:

Session 1: Using …

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condformat: Conditional formatting for your DataFrames

condformat v0.2.0 has made it into CRAN!

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condformat helps visualizing DataFrames. With a ggplot2-like syntax we can format columns of our DataFrame and view it directly in the RStudio Viewer (screenshot). See how we combine several formatting rules in this simple example:

Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal …
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Skype webcam problem (/usr/lib/libv4l/ solved)

If you have problems with the webcam in skype with Linux, you may have read that you need to run skype with:

    LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ skype

However, you may get the message:

    ERROR: object '/usr/lib/libv4l/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored …
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Wine and MimeType associations

I recently installed a Wine application which associated itself to the .dat extension. I tried uninstalling the application to get rid of the association, but the uninstaller did not remove it.

The next thing I tried was: 1. Open Nautilus 2. Right click on a .dat file, Properties 3. Click …

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gnuplot breaks LaTeX PDF title (SOLVED)

Problem description

If you have an .eps plot generated with gnuplot (i.e. using set terminal postscript eps enhanced color), and you have tried to insert it to a LaTeX document (with \includegraphics...), when compiling it using latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf, you may notice how the title and other properties of …

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